So far 2020 has been an emotional roller coaster and I am so drained. With everything going on in the world with the virus still spreading, it’s been difficult to be positive or stay motivated. For the past two weeks I have been sad and uninspired to do anything. There are times I just want to stay home all day (which I do) and be lazy. But some days I know I have to get up and find inspiration, not only for my future or career, but for myself. So with that being said, I wanted to give some ways on how to stay motivated mentally
and physically:
Have a self care check list- I wrote a post about self care and ways to spoil yourself back in February. Although I wrote that post for the importance of self love during Valentine’s Day, I feel that we should pamper ourselves once a week or everyday.
Meditate/pray- I try my best every morning to wake up and take 10 minutes to do breathing exercises, especially now going to work, it can be stressful sometimes. So staying calm and meditating can help. I definitely pray to God to give me strength and not to worry about anything. With God‘s help, everything will be okay.
Spend time with friends and family- Since this whole quarantine. I have been loving how close me and my family have become and learning more about each other. It’s nothing like talking and getting advice from love ones that know you best.
Listening to music/podcast - Of course I love music, I can listen to music all day. When listening to songs, the lyrics are motivating. It always puts me in a good mood to write for my blog or get my day started. I also listen to podcasts that talk about lifestyle topics to get some inspiration.
Stretch/ workout- I don’t normally workout, but I believe it is important to care for your body. I try to stretch every morning or before I go to sleep. I also take walks in my neighborhood with my dog to get fresh air and some vitamin D.
Making a “To-Do” list- I have to say getting organized is the biggest achievement that's helping me this year. I have so much ideas and goals in my head that I had to write down all the things I plan to do in order to reach my goals. My “to-do” list really motivated me to focus on what I need or want to do and finishing all my tasks. I highly recommend doing this.
Saying positive daily affirmations- I truly believe in the power of the tongue and saying things that are meaningful. Since the year started, I was really optimistic on how things will be great and lately I have lost my spark because everyday something unexpected happens. I start each day by saying: “You are strong, You are worthy, You are enough!”. The more I say it, the more I believe it. No matter what goes on, we still have to continue to say positive affirmations and really believe it. Saying positive things really get me through, even on a hard day.
I really hope the seven tips can motivate you to finish the four months we have left of this year on a strong note. We can get through this together. Please remember that we’re doing the best we can and that’s all we can do.
Tell me what else you’re doing to stay motivated mentally and physically? Much love
xoxo Desiree